360 degrees icon Created by mikicon from the Noun Project 360-globeCreated by Tridentfrom the Noun Projectarrow-circle--right arrow-circle arrow-dots--down 78 all Created by Ramesha from the Noun Project 78 all Created by Ramesha from the Noun Project arrow-solid--thin arrow-solid circle_minus circle_plus Untitled-2 Created by i cons from the Noun Project CommentCreated by i consfrom the Noun Projectdown_arrow expand-arrow--white Created by Mahmudxon from the Noun Project expand-arrowCreated by Mahmudxonfrom the Noun Projectfacebook-f--mid-gray Created by Maria Maldonado from the Noun Project facebook-f Created by Maria Maldonado from the Noun Project fb-icon--footer fb-icon fb-svg-icon--black-white fb-svg-icon--round-bluefb-svg-icon--round globe--white Created by Rockicon from the Noun Project globe Created by Rockicon from the Noun Project google-plus-icon iconmonstr-youtube-1instagram-full-colorintagram-icon--gray-mid Created by Three Six Five from the Noun Project menu-dots--down Created by Alina Oleynik from the Noun Project menu-dots Created by Alina Oleynik from the Noun Project Essential Icons minus_icon--black Created by Icons Bazaar from the Noun Project minus_icon--som-green Created by Icons Bazaar from the Noun Project minus_icon next_arrow--black next_arrow pattern-1 Created by Yu luck from the Noun Project pattern-2-white Created by Bettina Tan from the Noun Project pattern-2 Created by Bettina Tan from the Noun Project play_icon_Yeong_Rong_Kim_nero play_icon_Yeong_Rong_Kim_red play_icon_Yeong_Rong_Kim_white play_icon plus_icon--black Created by Icons Bazaar from the Noun Project plus_icon--som-green Created by Icons Bazaar from the Noun Project plus_icon prev_arrow Created by Rohit Kumar from the Noun Project quotes-square se r1 Created by i cons from the Noun Project separator-pattern Created by Bettina Tan from the Noun Project square-arrowtriangle-up Created by Hay Kam from the Noun Project triangle Created by Hay Kam from the Noun Project twitter svg icontwitter-icon--gray-mid Created by aguycalledgary from the Noun Project twitter-icon Created by aguycalledgary from the Noun Project twitter-logo-silhouette views--gray-mid Created by Trident from the Noun Project views Created by Trident from the Noun Project x-icon--fat x-icon--regular x-icon youtub-icons--round-red
Master's Program

Master's Program

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Educational Opportunities

The VCU School of Medicine is committed to training the clinicians, scientists and scholars of tomorrow. More than 1000 students from around the world come to the VCU School of Medicine to pursue medical and graduate degrees as well as specialized certificate training. Additionally, many students enroll in our Combined/Dual Degree programs, thereby enhancing skills in complementary areas.

VCU medical, graduate and certificate students train under the guidance of our faculty which collectively represents more than 200 specialty areas in medicine and has have received local, regional, national and international recognition for excellence in clinical practice, biomedical research and education.

Institutes & Centers

Medical and graduate trainees can become associated with a wide range of centers and institutes

These centers and institutes include the Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center (an NCI-designated entity), the VCU Alcohol Research Center (supported by NIAAA), the Institute for Drug and Alcohol Studies, the Institute for Structural Biology and Drug Design, the Molecular Imaging Center, the VCU Institute of Molecular Medicine, the Pauley Heart Center, and the Virginia Institute for Psychiatric and Behavioral Genetics.

Please visit the VCU Office of Research and Innovation website for a complete listing of Centers and Institutes at VCU.

VCU Office of Research and Innovation