What’s in a name?

Szabolcs Szentpetery, M.D., H’75, the beloved surgeon who performed the world’s first long-distance heart transplant, is remembered for his service and dedication to others – and his many nicknames.

[L-R] Eva Smith, Lauren Smith, Russell Smith, Nate Smith (in front), Victoria Szentpetery, Szabolcs Szentpetery, Peter Lasne, Gabriel Szentpetery-Lasne (in front), Sonya Szentpetery, Sylvia Szentpetery, Jack Heaton. All photographs courtesy of the Szentpetery family.

[L-R] Eva Smith, Lauren Smith, Russell Smith, Nate Smith (in front), Victoria Szentpetery, Szabolcs Szentpetery, Peter Lasne, Gabriel Szentpetery-Lasne (in front), Sonya Szentpetery, Sylvia Szentpetery, Jack Heaton. All photographs courtesy of the Szentpetery family.

By Tim Shea School of Medicine sheat2@vcu.edu

September 5, 2024