This summer our medical school received good news in the form of an official notification from the Liaison Committee on Medical Education that the school has received an eight-year accreditation, which is the maximum amount of time that can be awarded.


The accreditation followed an 18-month self-study process during which the School of Medicine evaluated all aspects of its educational program. The LCME praised our school for its leadership, educational support and responsiveness to students. In addition, the school’s separate clinical program at the Inova Fairfax Hospital for 48 students was also praised for the richness and diversity of its learning environment and a new education building that opened earlier this year. The next accreditation cycle will occur in 2016.


We are very pleased with the results of the accreditation process, and I offer my thanks to all of the faulty, students and staff who participated.

Former Dean Jerome F. Strauss

Jerome F. Strauss, III, M.D., Ph.D.
Dean, VCU School of Medicine
Executive Vice President for Medical Affairs, VCU Health System