Dear colleagues,

A year ago, Sanger Hall experienced a flood and related power failure in the phase 3 section of the building. Full and complete restoration of power and normal operations for the building required replacing the bus duct, a metal chute running the entire length of the building that contains the building’s power cables. This full repair has been prolonged with a number of setbacks. We are pleased to share that this repair is finally complete. 
We deeply appreciate your patience and support through this challenging time with our major research facility – thank you!  We also thank our Facilities team for their continued work on this extremely complicated and critical repair project. I am also grateful to Betsy Ripley, Michael Donnenberg, Anita Navarro, Cathy Wood and Paul Peterson for their work coordinating the repairs and working to meet investigator needs during this past year.


David P. Chelmow, M.D. - Interim Dean, VCU School of Medicine; Interim Executive Vice President for Medical Affairs, VCU Health