Dear colleagues,

It's been another year of challenges, transitions and accomplishment, and we are grateful to close out a successful 2022 alongside each of you. Many thanks for your unwavering efforts and remarkable displays of dedication to our School of Medicine community.
While the holiday season can be a time of joy and togetherness, it can also take a toll on those who are struggling, and I hope you offer one another the same grace and compassion that you extend to your students and patients every day. We encourage you to be kind to yourselves, and to remember that as healers and educators, we can only fully care for others by also prioritizing our own physical and mental wellbeing.
In whatever ways you choose to spend the well-deserved winter break, we wish you and yours a season of peace, comfort and good health. Thank you again for everything you do, and we look forward to seeing you all in the new year.

With gratitude,

David P. Chelmow, M.D. - Interim Dean, VCU School of Medicine; Interim Executive Vice President for Medical Affairs, VCU Health