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Fall 2016 Feature Stories

Dr. Darth Vader - thumbnailLessons From Dr. Darth Vader

Meet pediatrician Clifton Lee, M'94, H'98, who's been known to dress up like Darth Vader. "Sometimes it's OK to wear costumes and walk around and make kids laugh. It reminds us why we became physicians in the first place."


Flying Physicians - thumbnailFlying Physicians: There IS a Doctor on Board

Many organizations encourage physicians to mix medical and aviation skills. All around the country, alumni are putting their skills and knowledge to work. "We can take supplies and help rebuild after hurricanes, earthquakes and natural disasters."


Lipi Gupta - thumbnailI Might Help Heal Someone This Week

The Class of 2019's Lipi Gupta gives us a window on what it’s like to travel to the Dominican Republic as part of the HOMBRE medical brigade. "The experience stretched my capacities and bolstered my confidence as a doctor-in-training."


PharmTox - thumbnailNew Milestones for Pharmacology and Toxicology Department

With one of the longest-running training grants in the country, the department has marked the graduation of its 310th scientist to earn a Ph.D. degree, making its alumni body the largest of any of the medical school's basic science departments.


Piece of the Past 4 - thumbnailPiece of the Past

Dan Johnson, M'65, was surprised to find two surgical kits in his attic. He's donated the items to the Health Sciences Library on the MCV Campus and together they've delved into the history of the artifacts.