Dear Colleagues-Friends,

A new trio of stories spotlights the life-changing education and training that takes place in our medical school:

M2 Shivam Gulhar went blind for two weeks. Then he found his calling.
In high school, the Class of 2021’s Shivam Gulhar dreamed of becoming a computer engineer and changing the world through technology. But plans shifted when a misdiagnosed cornea ulcer left him blind for two weeks. Now he’s pursuing medicine with the help of a scholarship.

The Class of 83’s Wayne Reichman continues his work in Haiti with a trio of fellow alumni.
In 2013, the Class of 83’s Wayne Reichman found a new mission as the medical director of a free surgical clinic in Haiti. Inspired by his work, now a trio of fellow alumni join him in a place they call their second home. “I wouldn’t be doing this if it wasn’t for MCV and the people I worked with in residency and in medical school,” says the Class of 2006’s Michael Boss. “It was my first introduction to an underserved population.”

Millennials ‘ideally suited’ to be doctors, says Class of 77’s David Adams.
The Class of 77’s David Adams is weary of hearing about “the good old days.” While Millennials often are criticized as work-shy and entitled, Adams says “they are ideally suited to be the doctors of the future because they value meaningful work, they’re internationalists, they’re tech-savvy, they like feedback, they’re team-oriented and they’re collaborative.” The gastrointestinal surgeon’s feelings were reinforced on a recent visit with VCU Health transplant fellows and residents. “From what I saw, the future of surgery is bright.”

With every good wish for your good work,

Peter F. Buckley, M.D.
Dean, VCU School of Medicine
Executive Vice President for Medical Affairs, VCU Health System