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Discover the many great research opportunities VCU School of Medicine has to offer.

Discover the many great research opportunities VCU School of Medicine has to offer.

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Research News

Reimagining Basic Health Sciences Steering Committee Report

Convened at the request of Dean Saavedra, the Reimagining Basic Health Sciences Steering Committee was tasked with evaluating the current state of the School of Medicine's basic health sciences department, and recommending a plan to strengthen existing departments as well as a framework to align basic/translational science with VCU Health research areas.

Read the committee's report »

Dean’s Biomedical Research Seminar Series 

The Dean's Biomedical Research Seminar series was established to attract highly-accomplished investigators to VCU to present their recent research findings and connect with SOM researchers. Seminar speakers must be recognized for substantial advances in biomedical science with work that is of broad interest to the VCU SOM faculty and trainees. Potential speakers may be nominated by any member of the VCU community. The Dean’s office covers the cost of their visit, while the nominating departments/hosts are responsible for making logistical arrangements to facilitate the visit. Speakers are expected to meet with faculty, postdoctoral trainees and graduate students from various departments. 

Click here to nominate a speaker

Dean's Seminar Series list of speakers for 2025

Funding Opportunities for Faculty Members

VCU offers multiple funding opportunities from internal resources to support investigators in their research activities. The primary purpose of these grants is to help investigators generate preliminary data for competitive applications to external funding agencies.  These short-term funding opportunities have different requirements and funding cycles. Internal funding programs are sponsored by different units, such as individual departments, schools, research centers, institutes, and VCU. Each week, the Office of Research at the School of Medicine sends an email via a listserv to researchers in the SOM in which various funding opportunities and other notices are listed, with details provided in an attachment.

Please Click Here and provide the requested information if you would like to be added to the listserv

The accordions below provide additional information and links to ongoing or periodic internal funding opportunities available to the faculty members of the School of Medicine. The Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation has additional opportunities listed on its website, which can be viewed at this link.

Research Facilities and Resources

Research resources available to VCU SOM faculty include administrative, academic and outreach support services, along with formal partnering opportunities with nearby institutes, research cores and established theme-focused research institutes and centers.

VCU SOM has established partnerships with several area academic and industrial institutes to promote collaborative science. Research core services supported by the VCU SOM span a broad range of disciplines and include fee for service partnerships with other Virginia universities and colleges. The research infrastructure supported by the SOM includes 11 locations across both the SOM and Monroe Park campus. Institutes and centers have been established at the SOM which support a wide range of disease focused research.

Research Opportunities for Trainees

Two people looking at computerVCU offers a wide variety of research opportunities to all levels of trainees. Whether you are an undergraduate student ready to test scientific waters, a graduate student seeking training for a career in biomedical sciences, or making plans for a postdoctoral fellowship, VCU School of Medicine has a wealth of research opportunities to meet your needs. We welcome you to use this site to search for potential mentors.

Please review the accordions below for more resources and information, including a variety of fellowships and training grants tailored to every level of trainee.

Contact Us

Michael Donnenberg, M.D.

Michael Donnenberg, M.D.

Sr. Assoc. Dean for Research & Research Training

Michael Donnenberg, M.D.

Michael Donnenberg, M.D.

Sr. Assoc. Dean for Research & Research Training

Office of Research & Research Training

Phone: (804) 828-0673

Fax: (804) 827-1469

Email: michael.donnenberg@vcuhealth.org

1101 E Marshall St, Sanger Hall, Room 1-055

Zakir Ullah, PhD

Zakir Ullah, PhD

Director Scientific Review

Zakir Ullah, PhD

Zakir Ullah, PhD

Director Scientific Review

Office of Research and Research Training

Phone: (804) 828-0272

Email: Zakir.Ullah@vcuhealth.org

Physical: 1101 E Marshall St, Sanger Hall, Room 1-055