With more than $200 million in external grant funding, VCU School of Medicine is a bustling hub of scientific and medical innovation. Our faculty engage in basic science, translational and clinical studies across dozens of specialties and subspecialties within academic medicine, and we encourage medical students to take advantage of these diverse research opportunities.
Faculty Mentors
Identifying and connecting with a faculty member to serve as a research mentor can be a daunting task, so we’re here to help. More than 300 School of Medicine faculty are willing and able to involve medical students in their research, and our searchable database will help you find the right fit.
A few pointers to help you get started:
- Determine what you want to get out of the experience (e.g., enhance chances of matching into a particular specialty, improve skills as a researcher)
- Be specific when contacting a potential mentor, and request an appointment
- Explore researchers’ publications to learn about their work
- Don't be afraid to contact multiple faculty members
Funded Research Programs
The Dean’s Summer Research Fellowship is for students to conduct funded research for eight weeks during the summer between M1 and M2. Students may do research under the supervision of any School of Medicine faculty member, and those selected for the program receive a stipend of $3,000. Existing projects are eligible for funding, though students must work full-time during the summer to conduct new experiments or analyze data
How to apply
- Identify a faculty mentor to supervise the project
- Complete and submit the application between January and February
- The applicant’s mentor must submit an NIH-style biosketch and a letter agreeing to supervise the research and be present for at least six weeks of the research period
Student obligations
- Devote full time to the research project during the eight-week period
- Promptly notify the Office of Research if problems arise before or during the project
- Submit a poster for presentation at Medical Student Research Day, which occurs in April or May the following year
- Any publication resulting from this research should acknowledge support by VCU School of medicine
Key dates 2024/2025 Cycle
- Student notification: November 18, 2024
- Application submission deadline: January 10, 2025, 5pm
- Decision notification: February, 2025
Dean's Summer REsearch Fellowship-Solicitation and FAQs
For more information, please contact
Zakir Ullah, Ph.D.
Director of Scientific Review
Office of Research
Students receive instruction in the responsible conduct of research, participate in journal clubs, develop presentation and writing skills and take limited, appropriate coursework. Upon returning to M.D. training, participants may use elective time during M4 to complete M.S. degree requirements. In lieu of preparing a formal thesis, students will write up their year’s work as a manuscript suitable for submission to an appropriate journal.
The School of Medicine will provide a stipend of $15,000 and pay applicable fees and tuition. Full-time enrollment in the graduate school ensures that loan payback deferrals remain in place.
Explore the program
With a rich history of providing students the opportunity to explore the world of neonatology and other pediatric subspecialties through research, this program has been funded by the Jack Cary Eichenbaum Fund since 2004.
The program encourages all students to apply, with preference to rising third- and fourth-year premedical students and rising second-year medical students.
This summer program is designed to expose first-year medical students to hypothesis-driven cancer research. Students receive a stipend of $4,000 for summer living expenses, plus $1,000 to attend a national scientific conference.
This 10-month research immersion program is for M2s, M3s and M4s who are interested in pursuing basic, clinical, translational or epidemiological research. The curriculum includes lectures, clinical teaching rounds, journal clubs, clinical protocol training and networking sessions.
Students selected for this highly competitive national program receive an annual stipend, furnished housing, a relocation allowance and funding support for travel, scientific courses and textbooks.
Application deadline for 2024-2025 cycle is January 5, 2024
Students in this program spend a summer working at the NIH alongside some of the leading biomedical scientists in the U.S. Fields of study include everything from biology to behavioral sciences to biostatistics.
NIH Office of Clinical Research Training and Medical Education has several programs for medical students and residents such as the Summer Internships and Medical Research Scholars Programs listed above. Please browse their website for a list of the opportunities and recent deadlines.
Here is a link to the website.
This six-week program provides immersive, community-based clinical trial research experience for medical students who are dedicated to promoting diversity, equity and inclusion in medical research. Awardees receive a $7,500 stipend for the externship.
Research Student Interest Group
One of many interest groups at the School of Medicine, this student-run organization provides community, camaraderie and support for medical students who want to get involved in research.

Contacts by Department
For guidance on finding research opportunities in a particular specialty, please
reach out to the point of contact for your chosen department listed below.
For guidance on finding research opportunities in a particular specialty, please reach out to the point of contact for your chosen department.
- Pamela Knapp, Ph.D.
- Brian Wattenberg, Ph.D.
- Zheng Fu, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
- Kimberly Jefferson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
- Pin-Lan Li, M.D., Ph.D.
Professor and Vice Chair
- Carlos Escalante, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
For guidance on finding research opportunities in a particular specialty, please reach out to the point of contact for your chosen department.
- Alice Coombs, M.D.
- Kimberly Salkey, M.D.
Associate Professor, Residency Program Director
- Lisa Merck, M.D., M.P.H, FACEP
- Alex Krist, M.D., M.P.H.
- Anindita Das, Ph.D. FAHA
- Nicholas Johnson, M.D., M.Sci., FAAN
Vice Chair of Research
- Jessica Lane, M.D.
Assistant Professor
- Linda Burkett, M.D.
Assistant Professor
- Christopher Leffler, M.D.
Associate Professor
- Gregory Golladay, M.D.
- Daniel Coelho, M.D., FACS
- Lorin Bachmann, Ph.D., DABCC (for clinical research)
- Senthil Radhakrishnan Ph.D (for basic science research)
Associate Professor
- Kayla Prejean
Assistant research administrator
- Joshua Hahn
Assoc. Director of Research Development
- Robert Findling, M.D., M.B.A.
- Jo Lombardi
Program Coordinator
- Peter Haar, M.D., Ph.D.
Associate Professor
- David Turner
Associate Professor
- Autumn Griffin
Clerkship Administrator
Other Resources
Students may need specific training or access to facilities and records before initiating a new research project. Researchers at VCU have access to a wealth of resources, and we encourage students to explore them with the support of a faculty mentor.
Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI)
EPIC Access:
Please see the following checklist for requesting Epic access and Epic access form
Epic Access Checklist for Medical Students
VCU Epic Access Form for students - EGI
Please contact Mary Harmon, Director Clinical Research for questions about EPIC access.