Faculty Excellence Awards – September 2009
VCU / VCUHS Leadership in Graduate Medical Education Award


Barely three years ago, Scott Vota, D.O., was completing his Neurophysiology fellowship. Today, he is being recognized for his significant accomplishments as Neurology Program Director. A Rising Star to be certain.

“In just a few years, Dr. Vota has exemplified the role of Program Director, turning a struggling program into a very well rounded one,” praised the Neurology residents. “He has not just raised the bar of expectation for everyone but helped us go beyond too.”

“Scott has made significant contributions to graduate medical education within our department,” explained former Neurology department chair, Alan R. Towne, M.D., M.P.H. “He has improved our program both through his dedication to recruitment efforts and increasing resident morale. He has implemented a Friday morning patient care conference and a team-based learning board review course. He has demonstrated a high level of competence, commitment and leadership and has a very promising future in academic medicine.”

Known for his dedication to neurology education as well as patient care, Dr. Vota also leads a weekly EMG/Neuromuscular conference and monthly Journal Club for Clinical neurophysiology residents. He developed the curriculum for the Neurology Evening Lecture series for a non-neurologist audience and established a Chemodenervation workshop for housestaff and faculty in Neurology. He is also Director of the Muscular Dystrophy Clinic and EMG Laboratory.

“In addition to building his practice and participating in research projects, Scott has implemented new curriculum and processes and has significantly improved our program in two short years.” Andrea Perseghin, Medical Education Team Leader, Department of Neurology. “Most importantly, Scott has a vision for our program and has communicated this to faculty and residents who are working together with Scott to achieve this vision.”

“He is a hard-working, caring, personable boss/friend who is loved by all who work with and for him,” added Neurology colleague Diane Atkinson. “His door is always open to his residents for counseling and teaching.” Adding further shine to this rising star is his commitment to community involvement. “As a neuromuscular specialist, Dr. Vota volunteers each year for the Muscular Dystrophy Association summer camp as a resident physician.” He’s also “Coach Vota” for his daughter’s soccer team.

He has earned the respect of his peers and his patients and has played a key role in training both residents and fellows,” added Dr. Towne. The residents clearly agree: “He leads by example and we have found his dedication both inspiring and motivating. He is truly a role model. His leadership to the program is invaluable. As residents we strive to emulate him.”

If this is how Dr. Vota is viewed after just two years as program director, the sky’s the limit for this rising star’s future.