Goals and Action Items
Increase the number of searches with representative pools by 10%
- Use EEO data and recruitment inclusive champions to ensure identification of demographically representative hiring pools
Conduct ongoing search committee training
- Track the number of faculty participants completing online training in a year
Expand Best Practices Guide for Recruitment
- Enhance three sections of the current guide:
- Best practices for Zoom
- Best practices for in-person interviews
- Reference checking with additional content
Develop an academic compensation plan to recognize research and educational excellence and set expectations for research, education and service effort
- Work with faculty and chairs to develop and implement a new academic compensation plan by FY24
- Develop performance expectations for basic health science faculty and chairs
Gather and use information to address retention challenges
- Offer exit surveys for all faculty who leave School of Medicine positions
- Continue to offer optional exit interviews
- Report exit survey results to the Dean’s Senior Leadership Team and provide actionable steps on a yearly basis
Monitor and improve the promotion process so faculty have an equal opportunity for promotion
- Develop implicit bias training for peer and School of Medicine committees
- Implement a quality improvement process for promotion and tenure
Provide a variety of faculty development programs
- Track the number and type of programs in a year, utilizing established faculty competencies
- Develop goal-setting for career development utilizing the new Portfolio system
Track faculty well-being in partnership with departments
- Support departments’ administration of wellness needs assessments and their implementation of actionable information
Ensure faculty have ongoing access to and awareness of resources and programs through a central catalog
- Implement a tactical communications plan to promote the catalog to faculty
Develop and conduct ongoing search committee training
- Track the number of staff who complete online training in a year
Create an effective school-specific orientation program for new School of Medicine staff that enhances current general HR information
- Track number of participants and feedback from program evaluation
Ensure 100% of employees have performance goals and a professional development plan in place
- Track staff performance goals and professional development plans in Talent
Ensure 100% of employees are evaluated annually
- Track evaluation completions in Talent
- Provide training for evaluators on effective evaluations
Gather information and use it to address retention challenges
- Continue to offer optional exit surveys for all staff who leave School of Medicine positions
- Report exit survey results to the Dean’s Senior Leadership Team with actionable steps outlined on a yearly basis
Promote staff well-being and engagement
- Assess wellness and then design and pilot a program to address one critical need during each year of the plan