Students receive instruction in the responsible conduct of research, participate in journal clubs, develop presentation and writing skills and take limited, appropriate coursework. Upon returning to M.D. training, participants may use elective time during M4 to complete M.S. degree requirements. In lieu of preparing a formal thesis, students will write up their year’s work as a manuscript suitable for submission to an appropriate journal.
The School of Medicine will provide a stipend of $15,000 and pay applicable fees and tuition. Full-time enrollment in the graduate school ensures that loan payback deferrals remain in place.
How to Apply
Students may apply to this highly selective program at the end of M2 for a basic science research focus, or the end of M3 for a clinical research focus.
Fill out the application and submit it to Zakir Ullah ( by March 15 of the spring before the year-out will take place.