These policies reflect the regulatory standards and mandates that students and faculty must follow for compliance reasons. Some policies pertain specifically to students, while others pertain to educators, administrators, and specific units within the medical school.
- Academic Workload in the Pre-Clinical Curriculum
- Acceptable Use of Generative Artificial/Augmented Intelligence (AI) Applications
- Administration and Review of Student Assessments
- Cancellation of Educational Sessions Policy
- Clinical Supervision of Students
- Committee on LCME Standards and Continuous Quality Improvement
- Competency Based Graduation
- Completion of Required Clinical Experiences
- Confidentiality, Maintenance and Amendment of Student Records
- Conflicts of Interest in Educational Settings
- Course and Clerkship Director Responsibilities
- Curricular Changes Requiring Curriculum Council Approval
- Curriculum Council Operating Standards
- Curriculum Review and Evaluation Policy
- Degree Requirements for the M.D. Program
- Direct Observation
- Distribution of Course and Clerkship Learning Objectives
- Elective Opportunities
- Formative Assessment and Feedback
- Grade Appeals in the Clerkship Phase
- Grade Appeals in the Pre-Clinical Phase and Longitudinal Curriculum
- Grade Timeliness
- Immunization Requirements and Monitoring
- Inpatient and Outpatient Experiences in Clinical Learning Environments Policy
- Institutional Learning Objectives Review and Revision Process
- Learning Environment and Student Mistreatment Reporting
- Leave of Absence
- Medical Student Exposure to Infectious and Environmental Hazards
- Medical Student Performance Evaluation
- Narrative Assessment
- NBME Shelf Exam Scoring and Remediation
- Non-Involvement of Healthcare Providers in Student Assessment and Promotion
- Oversight of Extramural Electives for Visiting Students
- Professionalism Policy
- Requesting an Alternative Educational Site
- Student Appeal Procedures for Promotion and Advancement Committee Decisions
- Student Attendance
- Student Clinical Duty Hours
- Student Health and Disability Insurance
- Student Promotion and Advancement Committee Policy
- Technical Standards for the M.D. Program
- Transfer and Admission with Advanced Standing
- USMLE Step Examinations Policy