Reaccreditation Preparation
Successful LCME reaccreditation depends on the efforts of our entire medical school community. As the visit approaches, the School of Medicine will engage in an intense period of self-study and evaluation to highlight our strengths and identify areas for growth.
As of mid-October 2022, we have:
- Begun an initial draft of the data collection instrument.
- Formed an LCME Strategic Planning Task Force with five associated subcommittees to review all LCME standards. The task force and subcommittees will perform an extensive review of our medical education program, highlighting exceptional areas and identifying opportunities to address challenges.
- Conducted meetings with medical student government representatives and all classes to provide an overview of the process, including an initial call for student participation with close to 100 students expressing interest.
- Sustained quality improvement initiatives and LCME compliance monitoring with the Curriculum Council and LCME CQI Committee, including the following initiatives over the past year.
- Approval of 13 new or revised standard operating procedures/policies.
- Revision of the required clinical experiences for each clerkship and development of an associated policy to ensure compliance at the end of each rotation with monitoring by clerkship directors and the Office of Medical Education.
- Review and revision of Institutional Learning Objectives for the M.D. program by a taskforce comprised of students, faculty and staff, and charged by the Curriculum Council. Using these Institutional Learning Objectives, the course and clerkship directors are revising all course- and clerkship-level objectives to improve the curriculum inventory used for strategic curricular planning.
- Identifying and prioritizing opportunities for new initiatives through focus groups and feedback from key stakeholders, including students, Curriculum Council and faculty.
We have begun implementing these critical improvements:
- Providing students with ongoing, specific, behavioral feedback with formal mid-clerkship feedback sessions occurring during every clerkship experience
- Performing direct observations of all medical students on every required clerkship
- Timely completion of all student evaluations to ensure distribution of grades within the LCME’s required six-week timeframe
- An independent student analysis, or ISA, committee, comprised of and led by medical and M.D.-Ph.D. students, will distribute the LCME-required ISA survey and analyze the resulting data.
- The LCME Strategic Planning Task Force and subcommittees will analyze the ISA data, as well as additional data points, to identify opportunities for improvement.
LCME Accreditation Timeline
Summer 2022
- Establish survey dates
- Send open call to faculty, students and staff for engagement in process
- Appoint self-study task force and distribute data collection instrument, or DCI
- Appoint independent student assessment, or ISA, committee
Fall 2022
- Hold LCME kick-off meetings
- Create task force subcommittees
- Compile data for DCI and begin analysis
- Create ISA survey, distribute to students and begin data analysis
- Begin correcting issues identified in self-study
Winter 2023
- Collect DCI from subcommittees and begin review and analysis
- Collect final ISA and begin review and analysis
- Sustain and implement new quality improvement initiatives
- Begin planning survey visit logistics
Summer 2023
- Resurvey students on specific questions from ISA where improved results expected
- Prepare self-study summary report
- Conduct mock survey visit
Fall 2023
- Confirm survey logistics
- Conduct preparation sessions
- Prepare final survey package
- Submit DCI, self-study and ISA results to LCME
Feb. 18-21, 2024
- LCME survey visit