Register a Student Organization
All student organizations must register with the Office of Student Affairs. This not only recognizes that the organization has agreed to abide by the VCU School of Medicine’s guidelines, but also makes the organization eligible to apply for funding through the Medical Student Government.
SIG registration guidelines and procedures can be found in the Student Organization section of the Student Handbook. The handbook is located under Resources on the eCurriculum homepage.

Student Organizations
ABC: All 'Bout Couples and Families at VCU SOM
Purpose: To connect medical students with partners and children to one another for support and mentorship.
Treasurer: Rebecca hill-Shaw
Faculty Advisor: Leila Brinegar
Updated Fall 2021
Adam Society
Purpose: The mission of the Adam Society is to provide students with the cognitive and social competencies they need to provide effective patient-centered care by integrating continuous education with opportunities to engage with commonly stigmatized patient populations (e.g. patients wit ha substance use disorder or mental illness). Our purpose is to acknowledge and help combat the well-documented decline in empathy in medical education, specifically surrounding but not limited to substance use disorders, by aiming to increase the perceived value of social medicine in clinical practice through multiple avenues such as interactive lunch lectures, community outreach events, and research opportunities.
President: Sarah Kodama
Treasurer: Aaron Chang
Faculty Advisors: Megan Lemay, Omar Abubaker
Updated Fall 2021
Aerospace Medicine
Purpose: Provide information about aerospace medicine residency programs and the field
President: Diem-Phuong Dao
Vice President: Erik Garcia
Treasurer/Secretary: Prem Minchu
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Scott Matherly
Updated Summer 2021
Alumni Connect at VCU/VCUSOM
Purpose: Connect medical students with alumni for professional development and networking.
President of Outreach: Waleed Ahmad
President of Operations: Viraj Sharma
Treasurer: Krishna Ravindra
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Christopher Woleben
Updated Fall 2021
AMA Medical Student Chapter
Purpose: The purpose of the Chapter shall be to provide medical student participation in the activities of the AMA/MSV-MSS and AMA and MSV as a whole, to improve medical education, professional excellence, medical leadership and to promote activity with inorganized medicine on the local, state, and national levels.
President of External Affairs: Sneha Krish
President of Internal Affairs: Kevin Lam
Vice President of External Affairs: Madeline Helwig
Treasurer: Shivania Reddy
Faculty Advisor: Jenny Young, M.D.
Updated Fall 2021
American Academy of Clinical Toxicology (AACT)
Purpose: Education about medical toxicology topics and career paths
President: Emily Dunbar
Treasurer: Chelsie Poffenberger
Faculty Advisor: Kirk Cumpston
Updated Fall 2021
American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS) Student Chapter at VCU
Purpose: To expose students to the field of neurosurgery. With a combination of local events such as lunch lectures from our very own clinicians to an annual trip to the AANS National Conference, we hope to give students a wide range of experience available in the world of neurosurgery
President: Shawn D'Souza
Vice President: Roshan ranasinghe
Secretary, Treasurer: Asha Krishnakumar
Faculty Advisor: Alex Valadka, M.D.
Updated Fall 2021
American Geriatrics Society (AGS) Student Chapter at VCU
Purpose: The Geriatrics SIG at VCU aims to spread awareness of how aging impacts healthcare and how we, as healthcare professionals, can best prepare for working with an aging population through speaker panels, seminars, skills workshops, community service opportunities and other interactive programs. While not everyone will be a geriatrician, almost everyone will work with patients in the geriatric population, and our organization will help prepare students across multiple healthcare disciplines to rise to the occasion.
President: Zeeshan Malik
Vice President: Kajal Desai
Treasurer: Peter Tamura
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Sarah Hobgood
Updated Fall 2021
American Medical Student Association (AMSA)
Web site:
Purpose: AMSA is a student-run organization that aims to engage students in health-related matters of social justice through education and advocacy, with the goal of increasing the number of physicians that advocate for patient's rights. Our organization empowers medical students to use their political voice to stand up for their patients and makelasting impacts on the political environment that influences our patients' health.
Co-Presidents: Anusha Sadda, Eisha Jain
Treasurer: Lucy Jin
Legislative Chair: Gaby Obedoza
Faculty Advisor: Mark Ryan, M.D.
Updated Fall 2020
Anesthesia Interest Group (AIG)
Web site:
Purpose: To provide medical students exposure to the field of anesthesiology and networking with VCU anesthesiologists.
E-mail: aigvcu@gmail.comPresident: Nathaniel Miller
Vice President: Andrew Nguyen
Treasurer: Alexandra Vagonis
Faculty advisor: John Burgner, M.D.
Updated Summer 2020
Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association (APAMSA)
Purpose: Our organization is dedicated to spreading awareness on AAPI issues in medicine and building a strong sense of community within the VCU School of Medicine particularly those who identify with the AAPI community. Events are targeted towards informing our fellow peers and equipping them with additional resources that can help them provide care with AAPI patients in the future when they become physicians.
Co-Presidents: Alan Ventura, Julianna Kang
Treasurer: Kevin Liu
South Asian Chair: Shreya Raman
Faculty advisor: Dr. Ashlee Tseng
Updated Fall 2021
Association of Women Surgeons at VCU SOM
Purpose: The purpose of this organization is to help bridge the gap between students and female physicians by connecting them with shadowing/research/mentoring opportunities as well as learning about current issues. We hope to hold lectures and events that will inspire students to consider surgical fields as possibilities in the future and learn about how they can pursue that path.
Co-Presidents: Sonia Lele, Cynthia Ong, Asha Krishnakumar
Treasurer: Sonia Lele
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Kandace McGuire
Updated Fall 2021
Cardiology Interest Group
Purpose: To provide exposure to students interested in cardiology via lunch lectures, workshops and other events. The events are designed to expose students toclinical cardiology/electrophysiology as well as academic matters in this subspecialty. We also hope to provide networking opportunities and help students with their professional development as they seek careers in cardiology.
President: Sagar Prabhu
Treasurer: Matt Campbell
Vice President: Yuchi Ma
Faculty Advisor: Jordana Kron, MD
Updated Fall 2021
Cards for Kids at VCU
Purpose: The purpose of this club is to spread joy andencouragement to hospitalized pediatric patients by creating homemade cards for them and their families. Furthermore, this club seeks to spread this card-making practice to the greater community by getting involved and reaching out to local educational, religious, and other organizations.
President: Jonathan Van Name
Vice-President: Vaani Shah
Treasurer: Natalie Cohen
Updated Spring 2022
CARITAS Clinic and Outreach
Purpose: The primary purpose of CARITAS is to serve the homeless population in Richmond. We partner with the CARITAS Shelter program, student leaders from pharmacy and dentistry, as well as local residents and physicians in various specialties to provide free health screenings to individuals in emergency shelter services.
Clinical Coordinator: Cerelia Donald, Dung Nguyentran
Co-Research Chairs: Tala Khalefa, Sarah Marks
Faculty advisor: Hallel Basco
Updated Fall 2021
Catholic Student Association at MCV
Purpose: To provide a spiritual home away from home for medical studetns of VCU. We hope to provide opportunities for prayer, worship, Bible study, fellowship and lectures on the Catholic faith as it relates to professional life
President: Andrea Nguyen
Treasurer: Grace Miner
Vice President: Ariana Kim
Updated Fall 2021
Christian Medical and Dental Association, Richmond Chapter
Purpose: On the lcoal level CMDA Richmond facilitates gatherings for students to fellowship with likeminded peers and with Christian graduate professionals to build relationships that promote growth professionally and personally.
President: Jacob Baehman
Communications Chair: Grace Miner
Social Chair: Dustin Sneed
Volunteer Coordinator: Johnathan Widmeyer
Faculty Advisor: Victoria Kuester, M.D.
Updated Fall 2021
Climbing Club at MCV
Purpose: The mission of this organization is to encourage students to live an active and healthy lifestyle through rock climbing. We are here to provide coaching, encouragement and an avenue for medical students to learn the basics of rock climbing. Many students would benefit from a group that introduces them to climbing risk-free. We believe climbing provides an important benefit for both mental and physical wellbeing and is a great way to reduce stress.
President: Logan Laubach
Vice President: Mihai Bentan
Treasurer: Gracia Luoma-Overstreet
Outdoor Leader: Galen Goldscheitter
Faculty Advisor: Irene Foley, M.D.
Updated Fall 2021
Critical Care Interest Group
Purpose: Expose medical students to the field of pulmonology and critical care through shadowing experiences in ICUs, lunch lectures, and simulations
Co-Presidents/Treasurers: Alison Verster, Joshua David
Faculty advisor: Marjolein de Wit, M.D.
Updated Fall 2021
Cross Over Clinic
Web site:
Purpose: The crossover Clinic provides students with the opportunity to work directly with underserved communities in Richmond, particularly the Spanish-speaking population, at Crossover Clinic.
Co-Presidents: Grace Miner, Gracia Luoma-Overstreet
Treasurer: Madeline Donnelly
Faculty Advisor: Vivian Bruzzese, M.D.
Updated Fall 2021
David Hume Surgical Society
Purpose: The David Hume Surgical Society (DHSS) provides students at MCV with opportunities to learn about General Surgery and interact with VCU General Surgery faculty. We organize lunch lectures with speakers from different levels and backgrounds within the General Surgery Department, hands-on workshops to practice clinical skills, and provide resources and connections to students to find mentors and further explore their interests within surgery.
Co-presidents: Christopher (Chris) Liu, Nancy Juan
Treasurer: Christian Blue
Faculty Advisor: Rahul Anand, M.D.
Updated Fall 2021
Dermatology Interest Group
Purpose: To spread awareness about cutaneous skin health, skin disorders and cutaneous manifestations of diseases through workshops and seminars.
President: Naushin Ali
Vice President: Julianna Kang
Treasurer: Betty Ma
Faculty Advisor: Kimberly Salkey
Updated Fall 2021
Diagnostic & Interventional Radiology Interest Group
Purpose: The Diagnostic & Interventional Radiology Interest Group is a student-run organization that aims to foster interest in these rapidly growing specialties. Generally, the club's activities consist of frequent lunch lectures given by seasoned radiologists who are experts in their respective fields, skill workshops, and opportunities to shadow. Additionally, we have been fortunate enough to have the support of several faculty members who are open to mentoring students which is an excellent way to further explore radiology.
President: Anup Sanghvi
Vice President: Logan Eubanks
Treasurer, Social Coordinator: Ateeya Hessami
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Mohammad Gharavi
Updated Fall 2021
Do No Harm Coalition
Purpose: We are healers, clinicians-in-training, health workers, and activists that believe that health is a human right and we have a collective duty to eradicate systems of oppression which threaten that right.
President: Amélie Nkodo
Treasurer: Amy Coffin
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Meera Pahuja
Updated Fall 2021
Emergency Medicine Student Association (EMSA)
Purpose: To help connect medical students with the medical team in the Emergency Department. Through our lunch lectures and our events, we hope to explore Emergency Medicine as a specialty and potential residency, learn about current issues that physicians face in the ER and ar epertinent to our pre-clinical course curriculum, and develop our clinical skills as student physicians (ultrasound, suturing, EKGs, diagnoses, etc.).
Co-President: Justin Dasvis
Co-President/Treasurer: Daniel Van Orman
Faculty advisor: Nathan Lewis, M.D.
Updated Fall 2021
ENT Student Interest Group
Purpose: To introduce medical students to the field of otolaryngology/ENT, establish connections with ENT specialists on behalf of students, and cultivate students' interest in the ENT specialty.
Co-Presidents: Graham Pingree, Jonathan Widmeyer
Vice President: Mihai Bentan
Treasurer: Ashwin Ghadiyara
Faculty Advisor: Kelley Dodson, MD
Updated Fall 2021
Finance in Medicine Student Interest Group
Purpose: To educate Medical Students at VCUSOM/MCV on business personal finance, and healthcare economics; To provide current VCUSOM/MCV students with opportunities to hone their investing skills; To incorporate guest speakers in order toinspire future doctors to additionally think about entrepreneurship within healthcare
President: Teja Yeramosu
Vice-President: Aziz Alsumait
Treasurer: Waleed Ahmad
Secretary: Zeeshan Malik
Faculty advisor: Robert Findling, M.D.
Updated Fall 2021
Gastroenterology Student Interest Group
Purpose: To provide students insight into the vast field of gastroenterology and facilitate student shadowing and research opportunities
President,Treasurer: Yiwei Hang
Vice President: Jackie Zhu
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Matherly
Updated Fall 2021
Global Surgery Student Alliance at VCU
Purpose: To educate, inspire, and unite students trhrough engagement and mentorship in global surgery, including anesthesia and OB/GYN.
President: Lauren Carroll
Treasurer: Patrick Mukhopadhyay
Faculty Advisor: Edgar Rodas, M.D.
Updated Fall 2021
Healthcare Innovation
Purpose: Exposure of Innovation and Biotechnology to Students
President: Arth Shah
Treasurer: Waleed Ahmad
Co-Vice Presidents: Teja Yeramosu, Mihai Bentan
Updated Fall 2021
HPSP Students at VCU School of Medicine
Purpose: Connect medical students in the HPSP program for support and mentorship in a casual setting.
Co-president: Madeline Donnelly, Rebecca Hill
Treasurer: Jessica Wimberly
Faculty advisor: Peter Moffett, M.D.
Updated Fall 2021
Humanities: Understanding Man (H:UMAN)
Purpose: Our organization strives to understand what makes us human by promoting thoughtful reflection and conversation through interaction with the arts and humanities. We primarily aim to do this through
dissemination of artistic works (poems, exhibitions, etc.) with themes related to our medical endeavors, creative project outlets, and guided discussions with members of the community having expertise in art, social issues, clinical work, etc.
President/Treasurer: Leah Creamer
Vice Presidents: Christine Wei, Jean Wu
Faculty Advisor: Megan Lemay, M.D.
Updated Summer 2021
Infectious Disease Interest Group
Purpose: To educate students about infectious disease medicine and expose them to clinical experiences in the department. We aim to promote awareness of infectious disease through lunch lectures, ID consult shadowing opportunities, career advice, etc.
President: Nidhi Desai
Treasurer: Amin Tafti
Faculty Advisor: Sangeeta Sastry
Updated Fall 2021
Internal Medicine Interest Group
Purpose: To expose M1 and M2 students to the wide variety of career opportunities that Internal Medicine residencies provide, put on procedural clinics, and help students make connections with Internal Medicine faculty.
Co-Presidents: Caitlin Womack, Vahnee Garimella
Treasurer: Ezana Girmai
Faculty Advisor: Nathaniel Warner, M.D., Danielle Johnson, M.D.
Updated Fall 2020
International Trauma System Development Program
Purpose: To improve and support the training of medical students interested in pursuing careers in the trauma field, trauma systems, and injury prevention programs.
President: Justin Davis
Treasurer: Prattyak Mukhopadhyay
Faculty advisor: Edgar Rodas, M.D.
Updated Fall 2021
Latino Medical Student Association (LMSA)
Purpose: To inform, advocate and educate students at VCUSOM about social and health issues affecting the Latinx community in Richmond
Co-President: Gracia Luoma-Overstreet
Treasurer: Michael Guardado-Montsino
Language Chair: Ali Verster
Community Outreach Chair: Anna Broshkevitch
Faculty Advisor: Donna Jackson
Updated Fall 2021
Lifestyle Medicine Student Interest Group
Purpose: The mission of this organization is to empower health professional students with evidence-based education regarding healthy lifestyle habits (i.e. nutrition and exercise) and the budding field of lifestyle medicine in order to benefit their own lives as well as those of their future patients and the greater Richmond community.
Co-presidents: Kevin Lam, Ateeya Hessami
Treasurer: Morgan Ellwood
Secretary: Ethan Sewell
Updated Fall 2021
Listening Ears: Peer Support Hotline
Purpose: The purpose of this organization hall be to provide empathy, active listening, problem solving, and resource referral to callers in Richmond City though a hotline staffed by volunteer VCU students in health profession graduate programs.
President: Carolyn Pollock
Co-Vice Presidents: Alli Heefner, Julia Smolen
Treasurer: Claudia Bale
Updated Fall 2021
Mattaponi Healing Eagle Clinic
Purpose: Mattaponi Healing Eagle Clinic offers free healthcare and medication every month to the uninsured, underserved Mattaponi tribe in West Point, Virginia. Our organization provides care through a collaboration between community members of the Mattaponi tribe, VCU medical students, VCU pharmacy students, volunteer physicians and volunteer nurse practitioners.
Co-Presidents: Bari Scott, Raya Iqbal
Treasurer: Kevin Lam
Faculty Advisor: Diane Garrison, MD
Updated Fall 2021
Medical Ethics at VCU
Purpose: Our SIG mission is to provide a forum for a discussion of medical ethics. Our goal is to both inform students of such current events and create a space for critical thinking and the formation of individual and multidimensional opinions on ethical topics. We also seek to introduce students to the function of a hospital ethics committee through attended VCU Hospital ethics committee meetings and discussing case studies.
Chairs: Tala Khafela, T'keyah Vaughan
Chair / Treasurer: Sarah Marks
Faculty Advisor: James Levenson, MD
Updated Fall 2021
Medical Students for a Sustainable Future at VCU SOM
Purpose: Medical Students for a Sustainable Future (MS4SF) is a network of medical students in the United States who recognize climate change as an urgent threat to health and social justice. Motivated to protect our future patients and the communities we love, we catalyze action to prevent and address the health harms of climate change.
Co-President/MS4SF Liaison: Daniel Walden
Co-President/Treasurer: Robert Scott
Faculty advisor: Michael Donnenberg, MD
Updated Fall 2021
Medical Students for Choice at VCU
Purpose: Resproductive Health Access Advocacy
President: Claudia Sollee
Treasurer: Alli Blumenfeld
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Frances Casey
Updated Fall 2021
Medicine with Pride at VCU
Purpose: Medicine with Pride is an activist and social organization committed to empowering sexual and gender minority medical students and allies, incresasing the number of healthcare professionals trained in LGBTQIA0inclusive healthcare, and addressing the unique needs of LGBTQ+ communities through research, advocacy and service.
Co-President: Alana Porat
Co-President: Alan Ventura
Treasurer: Amelie Nkodo
Social Chair: Amy Coffin
Faculty Advisor: Christopher Woloben
Updated Fall 2021
Purpose: MedMentors is a medical student-run volunteer organization that provides residents at juvenile rehabilitation centers with practical health knowledge, wellness activities, and career guidance through a structured curriculum. Our ultimate goal is to be a source of mentorship for the residents there by encouraging them to dream big and providing them wit hthe knowledge/tools to achieve those dreams.
President: Roshan Ranasinghe
Treasurer: Tyler Cook
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Somaya Albhaisi
Updated Fall 2021
Microbiome SIG
Purpose: The Microbiome SIG will attempt to introduce the importance of the various microbiomes in the human body with an emphasis on the clinical impact of these microbiomes. Our goal is to provide a platform for garnering interest in the related fields of microbiome research, provide educational opportunities for general members to learn about developments in the field, and introduce SIG members to other VCU members for professional development.
President: Austin Miller
Treasurer: Peter Tamura
Event Coordinator: Danilel Kovach
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Gregory Buck
Updated Fall 2021
Muslim Health Professionals
Purpose: To connect and empower current and aspiring Muslim health professionals at MCV and the greater Richmond community through service-based events, mentoring opportunities, and multicultural and interfaith education in order to positively impact those underserved in our communities
President: Nayla Labban
Vice President: Ateeya Hessami
Treasurer: Mavra Masood
Secretary: Anood Alhabahbeh
Faculty Advisor: Imad Damaj, M.D.
Updated Fall 2021
N2Path/Pathology SIG
Purpose: Pathology Awareness and Education
Co-Presidents: Peter Daniels, Jayasri Narasimhan
Faculty advisor: Dr. Kimberly Sandor
Updated Spring 2022
Ob/Gyn Student Interest Group
Purpose: To promote women's health awareness as well as obstetrics and gynecology as a career path to future physicians.
Co-Presidents: Duru Ergun, Geetika Reichmann
Treasurer: Duru Ergun
Faculty advisor: Fidelma Rigby, M.D.
Updated Summer 2020
Ophthalmology Student Interest Group
Purpose: To facilitate interest in the field of ophthalmology by organizing lunch lectures, shadowing experiences, and potential research opportunities for medical students in order to prepare for residency application.
President: Kendall Kruszewski
Vice-President: Carolyn May
Clinical and Service Coordinator: Rahul Majumdar
Treasurer: Chetan Kamath
Faculty Advisor: Jessica Randolph
Updated Fall 2021
Orthopedic Surgery and Sports Medicine Interest Group
Purpose: To expose students to opportunities in Orthopedics and Sports Medicine, finding a balance between the surgical aspect of Orthopedics and the primary care side of Sports Medicine.
President: Logan Laubach
Vice-President: Zeeshan Malik
Treasurer: Prem Madesh
Faculty Advisor: Jibanananda Satpathy, M.D.
Updated Fall 2021
Palliative Care Interest Group
Purpose: Our student interest group is aimed toward students who may be interested in careers in palliative medicine or who aim to incorporate palliative techniques and processes into their careers in other specialities. We utilize lunch lectures and other events to introduce students to various aspects of palliative care and also work to connect studetns to various members of the palliative care department for shadowing and research opportunities.
Presidents: Sarah Martin, Kevin Lam
Treasurer: Aaron Chang
Faculty advisor: Meera Pahuja, M.D.
Updated Fall 2021
Panamerican Trauma Society Student Chapter at VCU
Purpose: Our mission is to educate students on global trauma issues and encourage student participation in
trauma care through academic study, rigorous and collaborative research, and the exchange of knowledge and information with other PTS medical student chapters in North, Central, and South America. Given VCU's position as headquarters of PTS internationally, we hope to increase medical student involvement with the organization and provide educational and networking opportunities with an international group of healthcare providers and researchers.
Chair: Alison Verster
Treasurer: Prattyak Mukhopadhyay
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Edgar Rodas
Updated Fall 2021
Pathways Service
Purpose: Help attending physicians take vitals, HPI, medical, family, social Hx, or any other treatment that the attending is willing to display to medical students. Present educational materials and literature reviews for reference of attending physicians relevant to common practices in the clinic. Provide pts with more quality time interacting with medical professionals in the clinic.
Co-Presidents: Shreya Raman, Tyler Cook, Claudia Sollee, Julie Vu
Treasurer: Sneha Krish
Faculty advisor: Alan Dow
Updated Fall 2021
Pediatric Interest Group
Purpose: To educate medical students about practices, science, and art of pediatric medicine. We strive to foster an environment where students interested in pediatrics can learn more about practicing as a pediatrician and what issues are present in the field. We also provide a gateway for students to form relationships with like-minded peers, faculty members, and community physicians.
Co-Presidents: Glydel Lopez, Sneha Krish, Vincent Liu, Shivani Gaur
Faculty advisor: Clifton Lee, M.D. and Marieka Helou, M.D.
Updated Fall 2021
Physicians for Culinary Medicine
Purpose:The purpose of the Physicians for Culinary Medicine group shall be to provide informationabout the new evidence-based field in medicinethat combines food and cooking with the scienceof medicine. through education, service, andadvocating for change.
President: Jean Wu
Co-VP's of Community Service: Helena Feldman, Shivania Reddy
Treasurer: Shubhangi Shah
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Deborah Koehn
Updated Summer 2021
Plastic Surgery Student Interest Group
Purpose: To help interested students gain exposure to the plastic surgery field through lunch lectures, workshops and other related events.
President: Hui Yu Juan
Treasurer: Betty Ma
Secretary: Alan Ventura
Faculty Advisor: Lauren Nigro, M.D.
Updated Fall 2021
PM&R Student Interest Group at VCU
Purpose: Engage those interested in the PM&R specialty
2024-25 Officers
President: Sarah Martey
Vice President: Will Schroeder
Treasurer: Ben Vanderkwaak
Secretary: Aadi Sharma
Faculty Advisor: Jessica Hupe, M.D.
Radiation Oncology Interest Group
Purpose: To introduce students to the field of radiation oncology and provide interested students the research and clinical opportunities necessary to guide them on the best path toward becoming a radiation oncologist.
President: Evrosina Isaac
Treasurer: Maheen Khan
Members: Michael Keiter, Manasi Mahashabde
Faculty Advisor: Matthew E. Schutzer, M.D.
Updated Summer 2020
REACH for Ghana
Purpose: A nonprofit organization that is run by VCU medical students that in partnership with the St. Francis Family Medicine Residency Program and Lilimed Clinic based in Ho, Ghana, visits underserved rural villages in Ghana to provide a mobile clinic and complete a public health project
President: Kristin Boakye
Vice President of Team Operations: Jin Kim
Vice President of Research and Development: Ashley Hadjis
Treasurer: Nicole Karikari
Faculty Advisor: Jelisa Timmons, M.D.
Updated Fall 2021
Refugee Connect
Purpose: Raise awareness of the health needs of refugees and connect medical students with service opportunities to support refugee communities in Richmond.
President: Taylor Walters
Vice President: Vivek Vadlamudiv
Treasurer: Shivani Gaur
Community Chair: Rahul Majumdar
Faculty Advisor: Mark Ryan, M.D.
Updated Fall 2021
Research Student Interest Group
Purpose: To promote and provide resources for research at the VCU School of Medicine.
Co-presidents: Brian Coyne, Julianna Kang
Updated Fall 2021
Richmond Academy of Medicine
Purpose: The Richmond Academy of Medicine serves as Virginia's oldest and largest medical society. We continually strive to honor our commitment to be the patient's advocate, physicians' ally and community's partner
Class of 2024 Trustee / President: Asha Krishnakumar
Class of 2023 Trustee / Treasurer: Matthew Alexander
Class of 2022: Andrew Schwieder
Faculty Advisor: Kate Gabriel
Updated Fall 2021
Robotic Assisted Special Interest Group
Purpose: Inform students about robotic surgery and hold workshops to get trained on the machine
President: Arth Shah
Co-Vice Presidents: Krunal Shukla, Prem Minchu
Treasurer: Joy Ma
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Riccardo Autorino
Updated Fall 2021
Sitters on Call
Purpose: Alleviate burden of childcare on an as-needed basis to make healthcare more accessible
Co-Leaders: Jin Kim, Lacy Harkrader
Treasurer: Madalyn Martin
Faculty Advisor: Melissa Bradner, M.D.
Updated Fall 2021
Purpose: SMILE's purpose is to match medical students with pediatric patients, developing relationships with their "little buddies," spending time with them and their family, seeing their struggles and trying to find ways to make iteasier - whether that be quality time, fun activities, or anything a little buddy would enjoy.
Co-Presidents: Vashali Jain, Sarah Barrett, Siddharth Kundal
Faculty Advisor: Katie Barber
Updated Fall 2021
Purpose: SonoRAMS serves to introduce upcoming physicians to ultrasound techniques, research, and skills that will be invaluable for their careers as future physician. We provide workshops that focus on procedures otherwise not discussed in contemporary pre-clinical medical education so that students maybe better prepared for and excited to use ultrasound for general exams and guided procedures in the future. We work closely with faculty to demonstrate such techniques and host lunch lectures regarding interesting topics and upcoming research in the field of ultrasound.
President: Eric Donley
Treasurer: Bobby Scott
Event Coordinators: Nihar Raju
Comminications Officer: Brian Byun
Faculty Advisor: Michael Joyce, M.D.
Updated Fall 2021
South Asian Medical Student Association
Purpose: SAMSA is an organization that aims to unify South Asian medical students across the United States and at Virginia Commonwelath University School of Medicine. We hope to establish valuable mentorships with physicians, collaborate with other student groups to hold various community-building events
President: Nidhi Desai
Treasurer: Meena Meyyappan
Faculty Advisor: Meera Pahuja
Updated Fall 2021
Purpose: The purpose of this organization is to facilitate the educational enrichment of grade school students in the underserved communities of Richmond through STEM-focused academic mentorship in order to inspire and cultivate interest in the pursuit of careers in science in medicine.
President: Connor Tuck
Vice President: Emily Hoade
Treasurer / Outreach Director: Edward Choi
Project Manager: Yaphet Elaias
Faculty Advisor: Kelly Harrell
Updated Fall 2021
Student Family Medicine Association
Purpose: The mission of SFMA is to provide all students with a positive exposure to Family Medicine. The goals are to inform and engage students in experiences that expose them to the values, breadth and scope of Family Medicine, its value in the health care system, and the roles and functions family physicians provide for patients, families and communities.
Co-Presidents: Meghan Ellwood, Alana Porat
Treasurer: Bari Scott
Faculty advisor: Judy Gary
Updated Fall 2021
Student Free Clinic at VCU-MCV
Purpose: To provide medical students with the opportunity to help provide care to the members of our community while working with VCU physicians to improve their clinical skills.
Co-Presidents: Vibha Shekhar, Matthew Campbell
Co-President / Treasurer: Brian Coyne
Faculty advisor:
Updated Fall 2021
Student Interest Group in Neurology (SIGN)
Purpose: To foster interest in neurology and support opportunities for medical students to develop a career in neurology.
Co-Presidents: Kajal Desai, Nancy Juan
Treasurer: Palak Sanghvi
Secretary: Riley Payne
Faculty advisor: Jon Snider, M.D.
Updated Fall 2021
Student National Medical Association at VCU
Purpose: SNMA is a national organization dedicated to minority medical students and serving underserved
communities. We offer opportunities to engage in community service, mentorship, and advocacy, and are always looking for new ways to serve the needs of our members and the community of Richmond.
President: Kristyn Mitchell
Vice President: Zshonel Auma
Treasurer: Taylor Roach
Faculty advisor: Donna Jackson, Ed.D.
Updated Fall 2021
Student Psychiatry Society
Purpose: The purpose of SPS is to expose students to the field of psychiatry and to hold talks on a variety of related topics. We hope to increase students' interest in psychiatry as a profession, knowledge surrounding psychiatry-related topics, and understanding of how psychiatry fits into the world of medicine as well as the broader community context. We hope to show students how interesting and multidisciplinary the profession is.
President: Riley Payne
Treasurer: Sarah Warner
Co-Leaders: Michael Kusnet, Jehwoo Ahn
Faculty advisor: Monique Peterson
Updated Fall 2020
Students for Injury and Violence Prevention
Purpose: During our medical school preclinical training, we are taught about various forms of violence to which our patients may be exposed in their daily lives. Trauma-informed care and violence prevention are strategies in which all healthcare providers shouldbe well-versed. For that reason, in order to supplement the foundation provided by our preclinical curriculum, we have created the Violence Prevention Student Interest Group.
Co-Presidents: Miranda Sullivan, Saba Ali
Treasurer: Chandler Johnson
Faculty Advisor: Nicholas Thomson, PhD
Updated Fall 2021
The Eye at MCV
Purpose: The purpose of this organization is to provide medical students and physicians the opportunity to improve eye health in the Richmond community. This will be achieved by hosting information sessions, volunteer workshops, and mini clinics for the greater community. The factor distinguishing the aims of this organization from those of an ophthalmology student interest group is the focus on volunteerism; just like pop-up clinics for heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure, and blood donation are commonplace, we hope to make eye care a focal point of health maintenance and awareness
President: Malek Salhab
Vice President: Kevin Babu
Treasurer: Russell Simmers
Updated Fall 2021
The Simple Sunflower
Purpose: Regift flowers from weddings to hospitalized patients.
President: Eleanor Love
Vice President: Katherine Yu
Treasurer: Katherine Klein
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Robin Foster
Updated Summer 2020
The Underdocs Mentorship Program
Purpose: To empower pre-med & medical students from underrepresented groups to thrive as future physicians through strong mentoring relationships that are enduring and personal.
Presidents: Kelly Cheung
Treasurer: Ji Sung Seo
Updated Spring 2022
Trauma Survivors Network at VCU
Purpose: Trauma Survivors Network connects students at VCU with patients in the hospital and their families who have experienced recent trauma. We provide packets of information about services at the hospital during the patient's stay and resources for after they are discharged. Student volunteers have the opportunity to gain bedside experience with patients and are encouraged to have meaningful dialogue during their visits.
Co-Presidents: Shawn D'Souza, Shreya Raavicharla, Shivania Reddy
Co-President/Treasurer: Prem Minchu
Faculty Advisor: Karen Shipman, M. D.
Updated Fall 2021
Urology Interest Group
Purpose: To provide medical students an avenue through which they may explore and acquaint themselves with the field of Urology
Co-Presidents: Jashanjeet Matharoo, Peter Daniels
Treasurer: Jatin Vemuri
Secretary: Christopher Keshishian
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Rebecca Zee
Updated Fall 2021
Vascular Surgery Interest Group
Purpose: To educate medical students and general surgery residents about the field of vascular surgery.
President: Michael Andrews
Vice president: Brian Pok
Treasurer: Bharath Peddibhotla
Secretary: Mallory White
Members: Anne Marcinkowski, Deepika Babu
Faculty Advisor: Michael Amendola, M.D.
Updated Summer 2020
Wilderness Medicine Student Interest Group
Purpose: This organization serves to mentor and support young women entering the field of medicine through networking events and informative lunch lectures. We also advocate for women in science and medicine through various panels and events that foster relationships and contribute essential wisdom forsetting goals in a career in medicine. We work closely with the local WISDM organization.
Co-Presidents: Rebecca Pilkington, Lauren Calvert
Treasurer: Dima Malkawi
Faculty advisor: Michelle Whitehurst-Cook, M.D.
Updated Fall 2020
Yoga Rx
Purpose: To promote wellness through the practice of yoga and to share our knowledge of yoga with the VCU community.
President: Jessica Wimberly
Vice-President: Kevin Lam
Treasurer/Secretary: Sarah Marks
Updated Fall 2021