Founded in 1992, the award-winning Women in Medicine and Science program is dedicated to furthering the professional goals of women faculty, graduate students and medical students at VCU. The mission of the Women in Medicine and Science Program is to advance opportunities for women leaders in the VCU family by promoting effective networking and fostering mentorship between students, residents and faculty. Stimulate fruitful research and collaborations and work cooperatively to change organizational culture and break down stereotypes.

Led by its steering committee the program consists of four components:

  • Women in Science, Dentistry and Medicine (WISDM), which serves faculty members
  • Women in Medicine Student Organization, which serves medical students
  • Women in Science, which serves graduate students and other trainees in scientific research
  • The steering committee, which manages strategic planning for the program as a whole

In recognition of its institutional commitment to helping women realize their potential and to improving the environment for women in academic medicine, the Women in Medicine Program received the AAMC’s Group on Women in Medicine and Science Leadership Development Award in 2000.

WISDM Faculty Organization

Established in 1992, the WISDM Faculty Organization seeks to further the professional goals of women and gender non-conforming individuals in the fields of medicine, science, and dentistry. This includes members of the VCU Schools of Medicine (SOM), Dentistry (SOD), Nursing (SON), Pharmacy (SOP), and Population Health (SOPH), as well as the Colleges of Health Professions, Engineering, and Humanities and Sciences.

Faculty development is an important goal for all faculty—especially for women and gender non-conforming individuals, who are underrepresented at the highest levels of leadership in academic medicine. By integrating Women in Medicine as part of the faculty development, the School of Medicine is able to facilitate, guide and conduct a variety of faculty development activities and programs. A multifaceted approach provides opportunities to include special focus on concerns and circumstances of women and gender non-conforming individuals at VCU School of Medicine.


Membership is open to all women and gender non-conforming faculty (clinical, basic science, administrative, full-time, part-time, any rank), students, housestaff, fellows and post-docs at VCU who pay a one-time membership fee of $100. Members are invited and encouraged to participate in any and all events and meetings.

Fees are requested and collected at the time an individual initiates membership in WISDM. Our male colleagues are welcome to participate in our professional development programs as well.

To become a sustaining member, please complete the online WISDM Membership Application. Checks should be made out to WISDM and sent to:

Jennifer Koblinski, Ph.D., Treasurer
Assistant Professor of Pathology
Box 980038
Richmond, VA 23298-0038
Phone: 804-827-0738

Words of wisdom: Women from all corners of MCV Campus convene at WISDM leadership conference

Read the full story

Two WISDM attendees talk

Student Organizations

With support from faculty and WISDM, both medical and graduate students have developed organizations.


Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine

Established in 1995, The Hedwig van Ameringen Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine (ELAM) Program for Women is the nation's only in-depth program focused on preparing senior women faculty at schools of medicine, dentistry and public health to move into positions of institutional leadership where they can effect positive change. Part of the Institute for Women's Health and Leadership at Drexel University College of Medicine, ELAM continues the institution's legacy that began with the Medical College of Pennsylvania's roots as the nation's first woman's medical school.

ELAM's year-long program develops the professional and personal skills required to lead and manage successfully in today's complex healthcare environment, with special attention to the unique challenges facing women in leadership positions. VCU is proud to have sponsored over a dozen ELAM scholars.

Contact Us

For more information about these organizations and opportunities for women in science, please contact:

Jody Hedstrom
Faculty Affairs and Development Coordinator
(804) 828-6591