Improving the quality of health care for humanity through preeminent medical education
About the Program
Located in the heart of Richmond, Virginia, the VCU School of Medicine is proud to train the next generation of skilled, compassionate physicians. With the support of our dedicated faculty and staff, graduates of our M.D. program match at a rate higher than the national average, allowing them to pursue careers across the full spectrum of medical specialties, advance health care through innovative research and become leaders within their chosen fields.

Supporting Our Students
We are invested not just in providing medical education, but in supporting you as you choose and pursue your career. From the moment you are accepted into our program, we are here to answer every question and celebrate every milestone on your journey to becoming a physician.
Meet the OME team Learn more about our support services
Careers in Medicine
Built on the foundation of AAMC materials, our four-year integrated program, Careers in Medicine, provides support and guidance during each phase of medical school. Through personality assessments, career-specific advising sessions, specialty workshops and residency match counseling, we will help you select and pursue the medical specialty that best suits you.

Research for Medical Students
Our engage in basic science, translational and clinical studies across dozens of specialties and subspecialties within academic medicine, and we encourage students to take advantage of these diverse research opportunities.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
As healers, scientists, faculty and learners in the VCU School of Medicine, we have a responsibility to condemn all forms of discrimination. Cultivating a diverse, equitable and inclusive environment is essential in fulfilling our mission to improve the quality of health care for humanity, and we are committed to engaging in dialogue across the breadth of our community to fuel our actions.