Director’s Welcome

Bennett LeeWelcome to the M3 Ambulatory Medicine rotation! We’re glad to have you in this Clerkship, as we believe it will be a fun and rewarding part of your medical education.

The goal of the Ambulatory Clerkship is to provide you with the opportunity to evaluate and care for patients in the outpatient setting. Through increased exposure to ambulatory care, we aim to have you gain familiarity with the complexities of longitudinal outpatient care, with a focus on diagnostic and therapeutic decision making, cost effectiveness, wellness/prevention, inter-professional care coordination, and patient-physician communication.

This clerkship is unique in that each of you will be rotating through different medical specialties.  Although you will gain medical knowledge in each of the specialties, this specialty-specific knowledge is not the main focus. We will instead be concentrating on knowledge, skills, and attitudes that apply to outpatient care across all specialties. These vitally important areas of training include inter-professional team based care, high value cost conscious care, counseling for behavioral change, quality improvement, and communication with patients as well as other healthcare team members, all within the fast-paced setting of the outpatient clinic.

We have tried our best to match you with a clinical area that is of interest to you.  We hope you find this clerkship and the knowledge and skills that you obtain to be both useful and enjoyable as you continue your medical education journey. We look forward to working with you!


Bennett Lee, M.D., M.P.H.